easi-joist® extends into Europe

Building on the success of the easi-joist® brand across the UK, Ireland and France, Wolf Systems has extended its world-class open web joist system to a European audience with a dedicated new microsite.

Aimed at architects, builders and homeowners, the site provides important information about the features and benefits of metalweb joists compared with traditional methods of construction.

Technical information about easi-joist® and its suitability for floor, wall and roof applications is linked to relevant standards for individual countries. There’s also a directory of local easi-joist® manufacturers for interested trades and professions to contact.

Prospective manufacturers seeking to tap into local metalweb joists markets across Europe are also invited to get in touch.

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For further information please contact

Wolf Systems Ltd.

Shilton Industrial Estate

T: 02476 602303
F: 02476 602243